Blog entry by ema hossain
I've a bad habit. At the really end of the day, when I have completed the chaotic workday of mine in the office, done every chore at home, cooked every meal as well as the daughter of mine is sleeping, I crave a light entertaining escape from the day grind. It is typically aproximatelly ten pm, and rather than picking up a traditional novel or maybe a non fiction book by a famous expert, I am reading trashy celebrity news on the cell phone of mine.
All of it began in the 90s when the sole energy sources of celebrity news were People Magazine and Entertainment Tonight, the primary appeal on television at 7:30 pm every night. I've happy memories of viewing Entertainment Tonight while consuming take out dinners with my brother and mother. Those were the days. Nowadays, the moment we open the web, we are inundated with news about individuals that are famous. In addition to the conventional news channels, there are actually a huge number of blogs specializing in various facets of celebrity culture, gossip and news.
I do not really care about these celebrities, neither do I obsess over the lives of theirs. I simply discover it comforting at the conclusion of the day. "It's no big problem. I simply do it to relax," states the addict. I'd have thought I'd ultimately lose interest in the vacuous life of abundant narcissists. But no.
At the conclusion of the day, I do not wish to communicate or even meet up with anybody, read whatever in need of intellectual mind energy or even contemplate whatever depressing. I find the media nowadays disturbing, shocking, sad and scary. I keep up to date so individuals do not believe I am uninformed, although it will be advisable to be blissfully ignorant. But ask me about the Beyhive, Beyonce's (a.k.a. Queen Bey's) fan base, and I understand a bit a lot of.
I might think I come across celebrity news like a responsible escapist pleasure though it is possibly much more of an unconscious primitive instinct to obtain info which could update the social status of mine. My monkey mind just cannot see the big difference between gossip about celebrities & high status folks in the real social circle of mine. Simply because Brad Pitt is currently individual doesn't imply he'll eventually show up on the doorstep of mine to ask me out.
It is believed that in prehistoric societies, the most recent Parody News Gossip was essential to evaluate chances to move up socially. Tracking what probably the highest condition individuals in society are actually performing might help attain a better social status by adjusting the behaviours of ours based on social dynamics. We are additionally wired to care much more about information that is bad regarding higher status individuals of the identical sex because this might provide us a benefit over the biological competitors of ours.
So why do we've a specific affinity to news that is bad about celebrities? The downfall of Charlie Sheen, Others, Johnny Depp, Tiger Woods, and Britney Spears that have publicly humiliated themselves are especially interesting. We like seeing individuals that are actually prettier, more productive also that seems happier than us fall from grace. Precisely why must they've all of the fun?
Tiger Woods' mug shot Schadenfreude or maybe "pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others" is particularly satisfying when it occurs to someone you envy or even when it might help you. Knowing that a famous person is having drug issues and it is mentally unstable won't help me get yourself a promotion. Though it does make me feel somewhat less substandard and just like the life of mine sucks under theirs at the moment. Seeing unflattering pictures of celebrities (and at times the regrettable mugshots of theirs) likewise makes understand that a lot of them are actually, like me, quite average in the looks department.
Fortunately, I do not fall under the group of individuals who are unhealthily obsessed with celebrities. The fact is that, some see celebrities as demigods, blindly following the guidance of theirs as well as the brands they're advertising, a lot of which get paid to experience. The deadly mixture of internet anonymity, social networking as well as power of numbers are able to make the hoards of fans act like bullies.
For instance, when Beyonce released the visual album Lemonade of her, the Beyhive worked together such as a wiki detective bureau to find out precisely that was "Becky with the great hair" that wronged the leader of theirs, Queen Bey. The Beyhive swarm viciously attacked the fashion designer Rachel Roy on social media that had posted a picture of herself with the caption "Good hair, do not care" many hours after the album's debut. Roy was additionally rumoured to be the main reason Solange, Beyonce's sister, attacked Jay Z (Beyonce's husband) in an elevator after the 2014 Met Gala.
Celebrity breakups as well as feuds are particularly riveting, particularly when they publicly drag one another over the media or perhaps on social networking. There was the play-by-play analysis of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's divorce, custody as well as PR drama (a.k.a. World War Brange). There was Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin's "conscious uncoupling" announcement, which crashed the lifestyle site "Goop" of her. Martha Stewart then dragged Paltrow in the magazine of her by posting a pie recipe titled calculated coupling, shortly after Paltrow filed for divorce from Chris Martin.
One epic feud is actually Kanye West's and Taylor Swift's drama which has been ongoing since he infamously interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech at MTV's Video Music Awards in 2009. The drama continued for a long time with different incidents. Throughout 2016, West presented the song "Famous" exactly where he says, "I believe me and Taylor may really have sex / I created that bitch famous". The music video for the song includes a naked wax figure of Swift, together with other naked wax celebs. Quick then introduced the song "Look what you made me do" in the album Reputation of her that contain numerous thinly veiled references to West and the wife Kim Kardashian of his.
The joy as well as intrigue goes on and on…
The special time I waste lazily reading celebrity gossip blogs might be much better used to learn something valuable and definitely increasing my skills and knowledge, which would better serve to boost the social status of mine. But I am exhausted. The spirit of mine is deadened by the very long day's office as well as the prospect of even more of the very same tomorrow.
I am way too old these days to wish for unexpected fame, but too young to have given up on vicariously living through celebrities and enjoying the misfortune of theirs. I am still in this moment of life in which you are anticipated to perform almost as possible while simultaneously rearing kids that are younger . Perhaps when I retire, I will have ample spare time and feel vigilant adequate to read a good guide (and possibly even create one!) and stop celebrity news for good.